Vegan Vanilla Clementine Panna Cotta

I have had several inquires into vegan jello alternatives so I have been experimenting with Agar Agar, a flavorless, orderless, seaweed derived ‘gelatin’.  My mother gave me this tiny mold for Christmas and I thought it would be perfect for this recipe made with vanilla soy yogurt and clementine zest.  A creamy, delicate flavor that even an unrefined, carnivorous palate (my father’s) could appreciate as he devoured the whole thing. This recipe will be included in my new book, but I have included it here as well so you can try it now. Have a Happy New Year everyone!

Vegan Vanilla Clementine Panna Cotta

Is there a more perfect fruit than the clementine? So sweet and seed-free and easy to peel? If there is a few left in the crate that you didn’t devour immediately after purchasing them, add them to this delightful vegan confection.

Servings: 6
Prep time: 10 minutes

1 teaspoon agar agar
1 1/2 cups vanilla soymilk
1 1/2 cups vanilla soy yogurt
1/8 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon Clementine zest
Clementine slices to garnish

In a saucepan, bring soymilk just to a boil being careful not to let it boil over. Reduce heat and stir in agar agar powder until fully dissolved. Stir in soy yogurt, sugar, and orange zest until mixture is smooth. Pour into individual molds and refrigerate until firm.

Unmold, garnish, and serve.

About Victoria Belanger

12 Responses

  1. Tara

    It looks so good, but the Amazon prevew cut off the recipe! Only the photo is there. I was reay to run to the store….oh well, I guess I will have to uy the book. 🙂

      1. tara

        I still don’t see it, but that’s okay. :). It looks like it is on page 114, which is cut off. But yes, the book totally looks worth it. 🙂

  2. Could you substitute agar agar into any of your recipes?

    Btw I found my way here after finding a picture of a hamster reading your book on cute overload dot com 🙂

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